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Austausch bildet – Dezember 2019

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  • Lehrerfortbildung
  • Schueleraustausch
  • Erasmusplus
  • Europa
  • International
  • Erfahrungen
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  • Austausch
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Das Magazin „Austausch bildet“ des PAD veröffentlicht Beiträge zur Praxis im internationalen Schulaustausch. Schwerpunkt der Dezember-Ausgabe ist das EU-Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+. Sie können das Heft kostenlos im PAD-Webshop bestellen.


austausch bildet Reiseblog Fiona Reisetagebuch, 2. März 2019 Hi everyone, in the last weeks we all got more excited about the exchange. We prepared ourselves by applying for ESTA and we are earning money by selling sweets and sandwiches in the school breaks. At our last weekly meeting a student from the 11th grade talked about her experiences in Tulsa and her trip to New Mexico last year. She explained to us how to pack your suitcase, too. Leonhard Tuesday, 9th April we visited El Paso, Texas, which is worth seeing because of the US-Mexico border that is separating El Paso and Ciudad Juarez. We started by touring the National Border Patrol Museum. It showed a lot about the work of Border Patrol officers. In my opinion, it was a bit one-sided and made it look like they had to protect America by the invasion of those illegal Mexican immigrants by all means. Afterwards, we visited Chamizal National Memorial, which was once Mexican territory. We had a guided tour by a ranger. Then we drove to a location outside El Paso where we could stand right next to the border fence. It was sad for me to see the differences of the two sides of the border, just imagine how it must be for a child growing up on the other side. Erfahrungen Darf ich das posten? Ein lustiges Selfie, ein Foto mit den Freunden oder ein schneller Screenshot von Informationen aus dem Internet das Smartphone ist für viele Jugendliche ein ständiger Begleiter. Eine Gruppe Zehntklässler des Max-Planck-Gymnasiums hatte während eines GAPP-Austausches die Aufgabe, ihre Eindrücke digital auf Englisch zu dokumentieren. Fiona Reisetagebuch, 12. April 2019 Today we were at the High School for the first time. Two students showed us around and I was really impressed! Everything is much bigger than at home, there are several buildings, sports fields and halls and they even have their own swimming pool. Besides, everything looked like in a typical High School movie, which I had not expected. The lessons were also quite different and a lot more relaxed. Students and teachers were using their cellphones all the time. What I recognized as well was that almost everybody just says the answer to a teacher’s question instead of raising their hand. In my opinion, this way of teaching isn’t exactly goal-oriented, but I think it doesn’t bother people there. Leonhard Leonhard Friday, 18th April was another school day for me. I shadowed my host Livvy around school and attended class with her. On Saturday my host family and I visited Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa which is an arts museum. It shows lots of Native American art. It is named after Thomas Gilcrease, a Tulsa oil tycoon and art collector from the 20th century. On Sunday Livvy and I visited her grandpa who has about 4,000 acres of land in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. He has buffalos, cows and horses on his farm. We had a delicious lunch together and explored the area. It was nice meeting him and his wife. Amelie und Aurelie Blogeintrag am 22. April 2019 Our group went on another trip to downtown Tulsa. This time we went to the John Hope Reconciliation Center in the north of the city. It is a place to hang out or reconciliate. The park wants to remind the population of the burning down of the Black Wall Street and the problem of racism in Tulsa. Christian Blogeintrag The exchange has been a complete success. The stay with the host families was a great highlight with regards to the hospitality of the Americans and all the nice people I got to know. Oklahoma does not have much to offer in terms of landscape, but Tucker and his family do not live in New Mexico. So you see, I cannot make a final judgement which of the sections I liked more. All I know is that we can be happy about our school system where you learn something and are not just in class to be in class. The dress code was quite annoying and in my eyes unnecessary. I found the American cities more boring than I thought. But above all the weather, the incredible burgers, the open minded people and driving a car at 16 are things Germany should copy from the US! Sarah Gefällt 21 Mal Sarah During the trip we had different stops. I liked when we stopped at a gas station to go to toilet, because the gas station looked just like in the movies. We also made a stop at a scrap yard and took pictures of old cars, which I really liked. Alle 3 Kommentare ansehen 12. März 2019 Klara Gefällt 18 Mal Klara Back in Albuquerque we had dinner in a Route 66 restaurant, which was pretty cool. I think it was a great farewell dinner from New Mexico. Alle 6 Kommentare ansehen 10. März 2019 29 28


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